Vector autoregressive (VAR) models have a long
tradition as tools for multiple time series analysis (Quenouille, 1957). Being
linear model, they are relatively easy to work with both in theory and
The VAR models become popular for economic
analysis when Sims (1980) advocated them as alternatives to simultaneous
equations models. The availability of longer observations time series
emphasized the need for models which focused on the dynamic structure of the
VAR models are easy to use for forecasting and
can also be applied for economic analysis.Impulse response analysis or forecast
error variance decomposition are typically used for disentangling the relations
between the variables in a VAR model.To investigate structural hypotheses based
on economic theory usually requires a priori assumptions which may not be
testable with statistical methods.
The discovery of the importance of stochastic trends in economic
variables and the development of cointegration analysis by Granger(1981), Engle
and Granger (1987), Johansen (1995) and many others has led to important new
developments in analyzing the relations from the short-run dynamics of the
generation process of set of variables
In a univariate autoregression, a stationary
time-series variable \({{y}_{t}}\)
can often be modeled as depending on its own lagged values;
}_{0}}+{{\alpha }_{1}}{{y}_{t-1}}+{{\alpha }_{2}}{{y}_{t-2}}+...+{{\alpha
}_{p}}{{y}_{t-p}}+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (1)
When we analyzes multiple time series, the
natural extension to the autoregressive model is the vector autoregression, or
VAR, in which a vector of variables is modeled as depending on their own lags
and on the lags of other variable in the vector.
In general, a VAR system contains a set of \(m\) variables, each is expressed as a linear
function of \(p\) lags of itself and of all other \(m-1\) variables, plus an error term. (It is possible
to include exogenous variables such as seasonal dummies or time trends in a
With two variables, \(y\) and \(z\) , the VAR with one
lag looks like ;
\({{y}_{t}}={{\beta }_{10}}+{{\beta }_{11}}{{y}_{t-1}}+{{\beta
}_{12}}{{z}_{t-1}}+{{\varepsilon }_{yt}}\) (2)
\({{z}_{t}}={{\beta }_{20}}+{{\beta }_{21}}{{y}_{t-1}}+{{\beta
}_{22}}{{z}_{t-1}}+{{\varepsilon }_{zt}}\) (3)
where it is
assumed (1) that both \({{y}_{t}}\) and \({{z}_{t}}\)
are stationary; (2) \({{\varepsilon
}_{yt}}\) and \({{\varepsilon }_{zt}}\)
are white noise disturbances with \(\sigma _{y}^{2}\) and \(\sigma _{z}^{2}\) ,
respectively; and (3) \(\left\{
{{\varepsilon }_{yt}} \right\}\) and
{{\varepsilon }_{zt}} \right\}\) are uncorrelated white noise
macroeconomist use models of this form to both describe macroeconomic data and
to perform causal inference and provide policy advise.
Eq(2) and Eq(3) constitutes first-order VAR
(since longest lag length is one). The structure of the system incorporates
feedback since \({{y}_{t}}\) and \({{z}_{t}}\) are allowed to affect each
Note that, the term \({{\varepsilon }_{yt}}\) and \({{\varepsilon }_{zt}}\) are pure innovations (or shocks) in \({{y}_{t}}\) and \({{z}_{t}}\) respectively. If \({{\beta }_{21}}\ne 0\), \({{\varepsilon }_{yt}}\)
has indirect contemporaneous effect on \({{z}_{t}}\), and if \({{\beta }_{12}}\ne 0\) , \({{\varepsilon }_{yt}}\)
has indirect contemporaneous effect on \({{y}_{t}}\).
Eq(4.1) and Eq(4.2) is not reduced-form equations
since \({{z}_{t}}\)
has indirect contemporaneous effect on \({{y}_{t}}\), and
has indirect contemporaneous effect on \({{z}_{t}}\).
using Stata
For simple VAR estimation with Stata, we will
use the varbasic command.
The varbasic command allows
us to fit s simple reduced-rorm VAR without constraints and graph the
impulse-response functions (IRFs).The more general var command allows for constraints to be placed on the
The number of lags, which is given as numlist, default to (12).Note
that, we must list every lag to be included; for instance lags(4) would only include the
fourth lag, whereas lags(1/4) would include the first four lags.
writing down the VAR, we will makes two basic model-selection choices. First,
we chooses which variables to include in the VAR. This decision is typically
motivated by the research question and guided by the theory. Second, we choose
the lag length. Usually we use the formal lag-length selection criteria method
to guide us the appropriate lag we need to include into our VAR model.
the lag length has been determined, we may proceed to estimation; once the
parameters of VAR have been estimated, we now can perform post estimation
procedures to assess model fit.
our discussion, lets we use the data Data09.dta The variable we want to estimate is lrgrossinv (= log for real gross fixed
capital formation) , lrconsump (=
log for real household consumption expenditure) and lrgdp (= log for real gross domestic product) .
the VAR model will estimate become;
where \({{a}_{0}}\) is a vector
of intercept terms and each of \({{\text{A}}_{1}}\) to \({{\text{A}}_{k}}\) is \(3\times 3\) matrix of
coefficients. VARs with these variables, or close analogues to them, are common
in monetary policy analysis.
Before we begin, lets we first set the structure
of our data in time series form;
tsset t,quarterly
The next step is to decide the appropriate lag
length. To do this, we use the varsoc command to run lag
order selection diagnostics with the maximum lag length is 10 lags.
varsoc lrgrossinv lrconsump lrgdp, max(10)
The results show of a list of lag-order
selection tests. We can get more information of these test in help varsoc.
Both the likelihood ratio test and the Akaike’s information criterion
recommend seven lags, which means we use these lag through the rest of our VAR
With variables and lag length in our hand, right
now there are two object to estimate, namely the coefficient matrices and the
covariance matrix of the error term. Coefficient can be estimated by least
squares, equation by equation. The covariance matrix of the error can be
estimated from the sample covariance matrix of the residual. The command var can perform for both tasks.
Now, to estimate the VAR model for Eq(4) with the seven lag-length;
var lrgrossinv lrconsump lrgdp, lags(1/7) dfk small
Then, to estimate the covariance of the error
terms which is can be found in the stored results e(Sigma);
matlist e(Sigma)
The output of var
organizes its results by equation, where an “equation” is identified with its
dependent variable. From the Eq(4), there is log for real gross fixed capital
formation, log for household consumption expenditure equation and log for real
gross domestic product.
e(Sigma)holds the covariance matrix of the estimated residuals from the VAR.
Note that the residuals are correlated across the equations.
As we expected, the table of VAR for coefficients is rather long. Not including the constant terms, the VAR with
\(m\) variables and \(p\) lags will have \(p{{m}^{2}}\)
coefficients. From our VAR model, we have 3-variable, 7-lag and this
make the VAR has 66 coefficients that are estimated with only 200 observations.
We choose the option dfk and
small to apply
small-sample corrections to the large-sample statistics that are reported by
From the VAR output, we can glance down the table of coefficients,
standard errors, \(t\)-statistics,
and \(p\)-value.
However, practically in applied papers we don’t need to report the table of
coefficients from VAR. Instead, usually we report some postestimation
statistics that are (hopefully) more informative. The most popular
postestimation that we need run first with VAR analysis is forecasting,
causality analysis and impulse response function analysis.
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