In the previous discussion we had shown
that how we do the cointegration test what we called it as Engle and Granger test. This test has the advantage that it is intuitive, easy to perform and
once we master it we will also realize it limitation and why there are other
tests. There are drawbacks when we perform the Engle and Granger test. First,
since the test involves and ADF test in the second step, all the problems of
ADF test are valid here as well, especially choosing the number of lags in the
augmentation is a critical factor. Second, the test is based on the assumptions
of one cointegration vector, captured by the cointegration regression. Thus,
care must be taking when applying the test to models with more than two
variables. If two variables cointegrate
adding a third integrated variable to the model will not change the outcome of
the test. If the third variable do not belong in the cointegrating vector, OLS
estimation will simply put its parameter to zero, leaving the error process unchanged.
The advantage of the procedure is that it is easy, and therefore relatively
costless to apply compared with other approaches, especially when two variables
can work quite well.
The superior test for cointegration is
Johansen’s test (1995). The weakness of the test is that it relies on
asymptotic properties and sensitive to specification errors in limited samples.
The method start with a VAR representation
of the variables (economic systems we like to investigate).
We have a \(p\)-dimensional
process, integrated of order \(d,{{x}_{t}}\sim I\left( d \right)\), with VAR
+ }{{\text{A}}_{k}}{{\text{x}}_{t-1}}+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (1)
Typically , we will assume that the system
is integrated of order one.
By using the difference operator \(\Delta
=1-L\) , or \(L=1-\Delta \) , the VAR in levels can be transformed to a vector
error correction model (VECM).
{{x}_{t}}=v+{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta {{x}_{t-1}}+...+{{\Gamma }_{k-1}}\Delta
{{x}_{t-k-1}}+\Pi {{x}_{t-1}}+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (2)
where the \({{\Gamma
}_{i}}\)‘s and \(\Pi \) are matrixes of variables. The lag length in the VAR is
\(k\) lags on each variable.
After transforming the model, using
\(L=1-\Delta \) ,we ‘lose’ on lag at the end, leading to \(k-1\) lags in VECM.
The more compact
for the VECM becomes;
{{\text{x}}_{t}}=\text{v}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}{{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta
{{\text{x}}_{t-i}}}+\Pi {{x}_{t-1}}+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (3)
The number cointegrating vectors are
identical to the number of stationary relationship in the \(\Pi \)-matrix. If there is no cointegration , all row in \(\Pi \) must be filled with zeros. If there are stationary combinations, or stationary
variables, some parameter in \(\Pi \) will be
The rank of \(\Pi \) matrix determines the number of independent rows in \(\Pi \), and the number of cointegration vectors. The rank of \(\Pi \) is given by the number of significant
eigenvalues found in \(\hat{\Pi }\).Each significant eigenvalue represent a
stationary relation.
From Eq(3), the test for cointegration;
If rank \(\Pi =0\) implies that all \(\text{x}\)’s are
non-stationary. There is no linear combination of variables that leads to
If rank \(\Pi =\rho \) , so \(\Pi \) has a full rank , then all variables
in \({{\text{x}}_{t}}\) must be stationary.
If \(\Pi\) has
reduced rank, \(0<r<p\) , there are cointegration relations among the \(\text{x}\)’s.
The cointegrating vectors are given as \(\Pi =\alpha \beta '\) where \({{\beta
}_{i}}\) represents the i-th cointegration vectors, and \({{\alpha
}_{j}}\) represents the effect of each cointegrating vector on the \(\Delta
{{x}_{p,t}}\) variables in the model.
Johansen derived two test, the \(\lambda -\max
\) (or maximum eigenvalue) and the \(\lambda
-\text{trace}\) (or trace test).
The Max test is constructed as;
\({{\lambda }_{\max
}}\left[ {{H}_{1}}\left( r-1 \right){{H}_{1}}\left( r \right) \right]=-T\log
\left( 1-{{{\hat{\lambda }}}_{r}} \right)\) (4)
For \(=0,1,2,...,p-2,p-1\) . The null is that there exist \(r\) cointegrating
vectors against the alternative of \(r+1\) vectors.
The trace test is
}_{\text{trace}}}\left[ {{H}_{1}}\left( r \right){{H}_{0}}
\right]=-T\sum\limits_{i=r+1}^{p}{\log \left( 1-{{{\hat{\lambda }}}_{i}}
\right)}\) (5)
where the null hypothesis is \({{\lambda }_{i}}=0\) , so only the
first \(r\) eigenvalue are non-zero.
It has found that the trace test is the
better test, since it appears to be more robust to skewness and excess
kurtosis. Furthermore, the trace test can be adjusted for degrees of freedom,
which can be important in small samples by replacing \(T\) in the trace
statistics by \(T-nk\) (Reimers,1992).
Deterministic trends in a cointegration
VECM can stem from two distant sources; the mean of the cointegrating
relationship and the mean of the difference series.
Allowing for a constant and a linear trend
and assuming that there are
relations, we can rewrite the VECM in (3) as
{{\text{x}}_{t}}=\text{v}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}{{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta
{{\text{x}}_{t-i}}}+\alpha \beta '{{\text{x}}_{t-1}}+\delta t+{{\varepsilon
}_{t}}\) (6)
where \(\delta\)
is a \(K\times 1\)
vector parameter. Because the Eq (6) is the
difference of the data, the constant implies a linear time trend in the levels,
and the time trend
\(\delta t\) implies a quadratic time trend in the levels
of the data. VECMs exploit the properties of the matrix \(\alpha \)
to achieve this
Because \(\alpha\)
is a \(K\times r\)
rank matrix, we can rewrite the deterministic
components in Eq(6) as
= }\alpha \mu \text{+}\gamma \) (7)
t=\alpha \rho t+\tau t\) (8)
where \(\mu \) and
\(\rho \) are \(r\times 1\) vector of parameters and \(\gamma \) and \(\tau \) are
\(k\times 1\) vectors of parameter. \(\gamma \) is orthogonal to \(\alpha \mu
\) and \(\tau \) is orthogonal to \(\alpha \rho \), such that \(\gamma '\alpha \mu =0\) , and \(\tau '\alpha \rho =0\) .
Following this
motivation, Eq(6) can be written as VECM as below;
{{\text{x}}_{t}}=\text{v}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}{{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta
{{\text{x}}_{t-i}}}+\alpha \left( \beta '{{\text{x}}_{t-1}}+\mu +\rho t
\right)+\gamma +\tau t+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (9)
Placing restriction
on the trend terms in Eq(9) yields five cases;
Case 1 : No
trend, \(\tau =0\) ,\(\rho =0\) , \(\gamma =0\) and \(\mu =0\). The level data \({{\text{x}}_{t}}\) have no
deterministic trends and the cointegration equations do not have intercepts;
{{\text{x}}_{t}}=\text{v}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}{{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta
{{\text{x}}_{t-i}}}+\alpha \beta '{{\text{x}}_{t-1}}+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (10)
This model is uninteresting because it
assumes that all variables in the cointegrating vectors have the same mean.
Cace 2: Restricted
constant, \(\tau =0\) , \(\rho =0\) and \(\gamma =0\). The level data \({{\text{x}}_{t}}\) have no deterministic trends and the
cointegration equations have intercepts;
{{\text{x}}_{t}}=\text{v}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}{{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta
{{\text{x}}_{t-i}}}+\alpha \left( \beta '{{\text{x}}_{t-1}}+\mu \right)+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (11)
Case 3 :Unrestricted
constant, \(\tau =0\) and \(\rho =0\). The level data \({{\text{x}}_{t}}\) have
linear trends but the cointegration equations have only intercepts;
{{\text{x}}_{t}}=\text{v}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}{{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta
{{\text{x}}_{t-i}}}+\alpha \left( \beta '{{\text{x}}_{t-1}}+\mu \right)+\gamma
+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\)
Case 4:
Restricted trend , \(\tau =0\).The level data \({{\text{x}}_{t}}\) and cointegration
equations have linear trends;
{{\text{x}}_{t}}=\text{v}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}{{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta
{{\text{x}}_{t-i}}}+\alpha \left( \beta '{{\text{x}}_{t-1}}+\mu +\rho t \right)+\gamma
+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (13)
In practice, this is model of last resort. If no meaningful
cointegration vector are found using Model 2 or 3, a trend component in the
vectors might do a trick. Having trend in cointegrating vectors can be
understood as a type of growth in target problem (i.e. productivity growth,
technological development etc, which the model cannot account for).
Model 5 : Unrestricted
trend. The level data \({{\text{x}}_{t}}\) have a quadratic
trends and the cointegrating equations have a linear trends.
{{\text{x}}_{t}}=\text{v}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k-1}{{{\Gamma }_{1}}\Delta {{\text{x}}_{t-i}}}+\alpha
\left( \beta '{{\text{x}}_{t-1}}+\mu +\rho t \right)+\gamma +\tau
t+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}\) (9 = 13)
This model quite unrealistic and should not to be considered in applied
work. The reason is difficulty in motivation quadratic trends in a multivariate
model. Eg, from an economic point of view, it totally unrealistic to assume
that technological or productivity growth is an increasingly expanding process.
For our discussion using the Stata, we will
use the data macro.
First, we set our
tsset qtr,
Lets we plot the
variables linv, linc and lncons;
twoway(line linv qtr)(line linc qtr)(line lcons qtr)
The graph clearly show that our variables indicate
trend together.
Perform the unit root test to make sure
that our data are stationary at same level. For these test, we use SBIC as lag
varsoc linv
linv,trend lags(1)
varsoc linc
dfuller linc,trend
varsoc D.linc
lcons,trend lags(4)
dfuller D.lcons,lags(3)
The results show that at 10% significance
level, all the variables is non-stationary in level but for the first
difference, its stationary.
That means all the variables is \(I\left( 1
\right)\) .
Stata provide the command vecrank to perform Johansen test for cointegration
If not available, installing it by typing ssc
install vecrank.
Before we perfom the cointegration test,
first we need select an appropriate lags order for VAR by information
criterion. To do this;
varbasic linv linc
The SBIC information criterion show that
the appropriate lag is 2.
To perform cointegration test for variables linv, linc and lcons by vecrank command;
*Case 1:no trend
vecrank linv linc lcons, lags(2) trend(none) levela max
*Case 2:restricted constant
vecrank linv linc
lcons, lags(2) trend(rconstant) levela max
*Case 3:unrestricted constant
vecrank linv linc
lcons, lags(2) trend(constant) levela max
*Case 4:restricted trend
vecrank linv linc lcons, lags(2) trend(rtrend)
levela max
*Case 5:unrestricted trend
vecrank linv linc lcons, lags(2) trend(trend)
levela max
Lets now we perform
the cointegration test for the variables in Case 3;
The upper panel is for \({{\lambda
}_{\text{trace}}}\) and the lower panel is for \({{\lambda
The \({{\lambda
}_{\text{trace}}}\) show that at \(r=0\) of 13.6777 exceeds its critical value of 29.68
at 5% level, and we can reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration
equations. But at \(r=1\), the \({{\lambda }_{\text{trace}}}\) value of 10.8534 is less than its critical
value of 15.41 at 5% level, which means we fail to reject the null hypothesis
that there is only one cointegration equations exist.
That means, the
Johansen test based on
conform that
there is one cointegration relationships exist between the variable linv, linc and lcons.
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