If the variable are
cointegrated (i.e, if the null hypothesis of no cointegration is rejected), the
residuals from the equilibrium regression can be used to estimate the ECM.
From our discussion in cointegration test before, if x and y are cointegrated, the two variables have the error-correction form;
From the cointegration test before, the value of residual
it is possible to use the saved residuals obtained in Step 2 as an instrument for the
in Eq (1) and (2) above.
Thus using the saved residuals from the
estimation of the long-run equilibrium relationship, we can estimate the ECM
Other than the error
correction term ,
Eq(3) and Eq(4) constitute VAR in first difference.
generate ECM model for Eq(3);
egranger y x,ecm
The results show that the coefficients value for the ECM is 0.0167 and its not significantly.
That means, there is no short-run adjustment to make the model in Eq(3) is in equilibrium condition in the long run.
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