
Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Causality Test: Toda and Yamamoto Approach with Stata (time series)

We have discuss how to perform the VAR estimation at here, and then we also perform one of test from post-estimation VAR, what we called it as Granger causality at here.

According to Toda and Yamamoto(1995), economic series could be either integrated of the different orders or non-cointegrated or both.

In these cases, ECM cannot be applied for Granger causality test. Hence, they developed an alternative test, irrespective of whether \({{y}_{t}}\)  and \({{x}_{t}}\)  are \(I\left( 0 \right)\) , \(I\left( 1 \right)\)  or \(I\left( 2 \right)\) , non-cointegrated or cointegrated of an arbitrary order.

This is widely known as the Toda and Yamamoto(1995) augmented Granger causality.

Toda and Yamamoto (1995) augmented Granger causality test method is based on the following equations:

\({{y}_{t}}=\mu +\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p+m}{{{\alpha }_{i}}{{y}_{t-i}}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p+m}{{{\beta }_{i}}{{x}_{t-i}}+{{u}_{1t}}}}\)                               (1)

\({{x}_{t}}=\mu +\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p+m}{{{\gamma }_{i}}{{x}_{t-i}}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p+m}{{{\delta }_{i}}{{y}_{t-i}}+{{u}_{2t}}}}\)                               (2)

where \(m\) is the maximal order of integration order of the variable in the system, and \(p\) are the optimal lag length of \({{y}_{t}}\) and \({{x}_{t}}\), and the error terms are assumed to be white noise, \(\sim \left( 0,{{\sigma }^{2}} \right)\) , and no autocorrelation.

We need to determine the maximal order of integration \(m\), which is we expect to occur in the model and construct a VAR in their levels with total of \(\left( p+m \right)\) lags.
There are some basic steps that we need to follows to perform the Toda-Yamamoto test;

Step 1
Test each of the time-series to determine their order of integration. Ideally, this should involve using a test (such as the ADF test) for which the null hypothesis is non-stationarity; as well as a test (such as the KPSS test) for which the null is stationarity. It's good to have a cross-check.

Step 2
Let the maximum order of integration for the group of time-series to be \(m'\) . So, if there are two time-series and one is found to be   and the other is  , then \(m'=2\) . If one is \(I\left( 0 \right)\) and the other is \(I\left( 1 \right)\)  , then \(m'=1\) , etc.

Step 3
Set up a VAR model in the levels of the data, regardless of the orders of integration of the various time-series. Most importantly, we must not difference the data, no matter what we found at Step 1.

Step 4
Determine the appropriate maximum lag length for the variables in the VAR, \(p'\), using the usual methods. Specifically, base the choice of \(p'\)  on the usual information criteria, such as AIC, SIC.
\({{y}_{t}}=\mu +\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'}{{{\alpha }_{i}}{{y}_{t-i}}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'}{{{\beta }_{i}}{{x}_{t-i}}+{{u}_{1t}}}}\)                               (3)

\({{x}_{t}}=\mu +\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'}{{{\gamma }_{i}}{{x}_{t-i}}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'}{{{\delta }_{i}}{{y}_{t-i}}+{{u}_{2t}}}}\)                               (4)

Step 5
Make sure that the VAR is well-specified. For example, ensure that there is no serial correlation in the residuals. If need be, increase \(p\)  until any autocorrelation issues are resolved.

Step 6
Now take the preferred VAR model and add in \(m'\)  additional lags (from Step 2) of each of the variables into each of the equations

\({{y}_{t}}=\mu +\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'+m'}{{{\alpha }_{i}}{{y}_{t-i}}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'+m'}{{{\beta }_{i}}{{x}_{t-i}}+{{u}_{1t}}}}\)                               (5)

\({{x}_{t}}=\mu +\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'+m'}{{{\gamma }_{i}}{{x}_{t-i}}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'+m'}{{{\delta }_{i}}{{y}_{t-i}}+{{u}_{2t}}}}\)                     (6)

Step 7
Test for Granger non-causality as follows. Test the hypothesis that the coefficients of (only) the first \(p'\)  lagged values of \({{x}_{t}}\)  are zero in the \({{y}_{t}}\)  equation, or Eq(5) using a standard Wald test. Then do the same thing for the coefficients of the lagged values of \({{y}_{t}}\) in the \({{x}_{t}}\) equation, or Eq(6).

For Eq(5)
\({{H}_{0}}:\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'}{{{\beta }_{i}}=0}\) , or \({{x}_{t}}\) does not cause \({{y}_{t}}\).
\({{H}_{0}}:\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'}{{{\beta }_{i}}\ne 0}\), or \({{x}_{t}}\) causes \({{y}_{t}}\).

For Eq(6)
\({{H}_{0}}:\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'}{{{\delta }_{i}}=0}\) , or \({{y}_{t}}\) does not cause \({{x}_{t}}\).
\({{H}_{0}}:\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p'}{{{\delta }_{i}}\ne 0}\), or \({{y}_{t}}\) causes \({{x}_{t}}\).

Step 8
It's essential that we don't include the coefficients for the 'extra' \(m'\)  lags when you perform the Wald tests. They are there just to fix up the asymptotics.

Step 9
The Wald test statistics will be asymptotically chi-square distributed with \(p'\)  df., under the null.

Step 10
Rejection of the null implies a rejection of Granger non-causality. That is, a rejection supports the presence of Granger causality.

Toda and Yamamoto Approach using  Stata

To perform the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) by Stata, we will use again Data09.
We will follow each steps what we discussed before to performing the Toda and Yamamoto approach for the causality test.

Step 1
This step require to test each of the time-series to determine their order of integration. For our discussion, we use the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) (1979) unit root test to test each time-series variables; lrgrossinv, lrconsump and lrgdp for stationarity.

Some theoretical background for the ADF test can be found at here.

Now, lets we perform the ADF for each variables and we use the AIC for select the appropriate lags;

tsset t
varsoc lrgrossinv,max(6)
dfuller lrgrossinv,trend lags(3)

varsoc D.lrgrossinv,max(6)
dfuller D.lrgrossinv,lags(2)


varsoc lrconsump,max(6)
dfuller lrconsump,trend lags(3)

varsoc D.lrconsump,max(6) 
dfuller D.lrconsump,lags(2)


varsoc lrgdp,max(6)
dfuller lrgdp,trend lags(3)

varsoc D.lrgdp,max(6)
dfuller D.lrgdp,lags(2)

Step 2

The ADF test in Step 1 show that all the variables indicate \(I\left( 1 \right)\) .

That means our \(m\) now will become \(m'=1\) .

Step 3 , Step 4

To determine the appropriate max lag length for VAR model;

varsoc lrgrossinv lrconsump lrgdp,max(10)


The results show that the max lag length will be chosen for VAR based on AIC is 7.
That means, our \(p\)  now is \(p'=7\) .

Step 5
To test the VAR model for the serial correlation in residuals;

quiet var lrgrossinv lrconsump lrgdp, lags(1/7)

The results show that there is no serial correlation in residuals for our VAR model at 1% significance level.

Step 6

From Step 2, the \(m'=1\) and from Step 4, the \(p'=7\).

That means, our \(p'+m'=8\) .

Step 7, Step 8, Step 9,Step 10

Now, after we know that the value of \(p'+m'=8\) for the VAR (unrestricted) and \(p'=7\) for the VAR (restricted), we will perform the Granger causality test as follows;

quiet var lrgrossinv lrconsump lrgdp,lags(1/8)

* test for lrgrossinv Granger–causality to lrgdp

test[lrgdp]L.lrgrossinv[lrgdp]L2.lrgrossinv [lrgdp]L3.lrgrossinv [lrgdp]L4.lrgrossinv [lrgdp]L5.lrgrossinv >[lrgdp]L6.lrgrossinv [lrgdp]L7.lrgrossinv 

* test for lrconsump Granger–causality to lrgdp

test[lrgdp]L.lrconsump [lrgdp]L2.lrconsump [lrgdp]L3.lrconsump [lrgdp]L4.lrconsump [lrgdp]L5.lrconsump >[lrgdp]L6.lrconsump [lrgdp]L7.lrconsump

* test for lrgrossinv Granger–causality to lrconsump

test[lrconsump]L.lrgrossinv [lrconsump]L2.lrgrossinv [lrconsump]L3.lrgrossinv [lrconsump]L4.lrgrossinv [lrconsump]L5.lrgrossinv >[lrconsump]L6.lrgrossinv [lrconsump]L7.lrgrossinv

* test for lrgdp Granger–causality to lrconsump

test[lrconsump]L.lrgdp [lrconsump]L2.lrgdp [lrconsump]L3.lrgdp [lrconsump]L4.lrgdp [lrconsump]L5.lrgdp >[lrconsump]L6.lrgdp [lrconsump]L7.lrgdp 

* test for lrconsump Granger–causality to lrgrossinv

test[lrgrossinv]L.lrconsump [lrgrossinv]L2.lrconsump [lrgrossinv]L3.lrconsump [lrgrossinv]L4.lrconsump >[lrgrossinv]L5.lrconsump [lrgrossinv]L6.lrconsump [lrgrossinv]L7.lrconsump

* test for lrgdp Granger–causality to lrgrossinv

test[lrgrossinv]L.lrgdp [lrgrossinv]L2.lrgdp [lrgrossinv]L3.lrgdp [lrgrossinv]L4.lrgdp [lrgrossinv]L5.lrgdp >[lrgrossinv]L6.lrgdp [lrgrossinv]L7.lrgdp

Like we have done before in Granger causality discussion, we can summarize the causality between the variables lrconsump, lrgdp and lrgrossinv by mapping it to show the clearly causality direction between them.